Monday, November 8, 2010

A northeast reminder ...

the little dark-eyed juncos

and our snowfall today

are reminders that


...I live in the northeast...
*   *
My father wishes he could spend winter in Florida,

I say,
Keep warm my northern friends and family
Keep warm!

I hope you all had a gentle start to the week.

May you always feel His comfort and warmth,
no matter the weather,
no matter the circumstances,
because you matter
to Him
and to all of us


  1. Oh my goodness my friend...I dare not show this to Sydney..she has been wishing for snow everyday for a month now. She is always checking the weather page!

    Stay cozy and warm...sending you my love. xoxoox

  2. Thanks for the sweet message...we got snow today! I went for a walk in the sun and by the time I got back, I was getting snowed on! Sending you blessings of love and friendship :D

  3. We had a bit of snow over the weekend.. Just enought to remind us that that cold windy and snow are not far behind. Loved the poem.

  4. Oh, Maria, it is supposed to be in the high seventies here this week--can't believe you have snow already but I do love snow so I would be fine with that if we had it here.

    Curl up with a good book and keep warm.

    Love those little juncos!

  5. What a lovely and kind post again from you...i am always so glad to be here on you blog !!...lovely words !!.....God create beautiful people !! you are one of them !! love you..........warm hugs Ria....

  6. Your photos are framed beautifully, Maria! Stay warm!

  7. Sweet Maria .... snow ....
    You live in the North-east ?
    One time in my whole life I was in a plane ... to the U.S.A. two years ago . To a conference in Wilton New Hampshire .
    We flew to New Ark and than to Boston . There we were picked up by a real american schoolbus . The bus brought us to the hotel we drove for hours .... America is so so so unbelievable large and beautiful .I was their for only five days and most of the time on the conference of course .
    But oh how I wished I could have stayed . But It was my first time flying and I realy had no idea at all about your country.
    The most awe-inspiring (is that a word ?) experience was it felt like coming home . I can still feel the emotion thinking about it .
    So now my biggest wish is to come back .
    Wishing you a heart-warm week .

  8. I heard about your weather on the news yesterday Maria. Hopefully it was just a little burst for now and you will stay dry for awhile, we CAN hope! You will be happy to hear that it is in the 70's and sunny in Southern Illinois this week! I plan on getting some yard work done as the weekend is supposed to be rainy and 50's! Love Di ♥

  9. Brr snow, I'm cold due to the rain lashing down here in Italy. Stay warm and cosy.

  10. What BEAUTIFUL photos, Maria!!

    I am SOOOOO excited for the snow season! I know it's cold and messy... But I LOVE IT!


  11. Is that snow as in S N O W, white and so so cold? I don't know what I feel right now, think I'm smiling. Makes me think of the ice cakes I made last year. Filling up an oldie with water and a few lovely colored beats, put it outside in the freeze cold and a day later, voila, a gorgeous ice cake! Put a little candle in there and the oooh's and aaah's will be heard ;)
    Much love for today, sweetest friend xxxx

  12. That second photo with it's smattering of bright color is just lovely, Maria. There is beauty in the snow, that's for sure. It's a cold damp day here in Denver, too - with lots of snow in the mountains. Keep warm and cozy!

  13. Greetings Dear Heart...
    Oh I love that white powdery stuff. I always look forward to us getting a sprinkling. Because we rarely get ANY, our little town is not prepared and so things "shut down" with only a few inches on the becomes a snow day for the shop...I walk 2 blocks down the road and pop a "snow day" sign on the door...and sneak back home...G*L*O*R*I*O*U*S!!!!

    Happy Day Dear One...Rosie...

  14. Growing up in the Midwest, I used to look forward to winter. As I got older, It was nice till after Christmas when the realization set in, that I had five more months of it. At my current age, I like spending less and less time in Florida. Funny!

  15. How exciting to see your first dusting of snow, sure folks like your dad might prefer year round sunshine but that sprinkle of white can create such a pretty scene.

  16. Dear Maria, I saw snow only a few times in my whole life. All these times were while traveling abroad. I felt cold, deeeeeep cold and I enjoyed full cups of chocolate and cream coffee!!! Enjoy family and nature as they are, sweet friens Maria!!! I am sending you all some warm from our hot spring sun!!! love!!! Bela.

  17. You've had snow? We have had a bit of frost and it even got into the 30's when we were in Florida last week (you should have heard the locals complain) but it still warmed up in the afternoons It was 77 here today, snow felt a long way off, but I know it isn't:(


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