Wednesday, December 12, 2012

...Now you are light in the Lord...

Live as children of light 
~ for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth ~

Ephesians 5:8-10

That is my prayer each and every day...
because it's just so easy sometimes "to make that comment"
or "think that thought" that lets the darkness creep in.
It's so good
to be reminded that we are light in the Lord.
 How is everyone doing?
I miss everyone!

Our Christmas decorations are going up slowly.
The tree in the sunroom was decorated last weekend.
My smaller tree that stands with the Christmas village had
its turn tonight.


Ever since "my little birdies" flew the nest, Advent seems
to rush by.  When they were small, wiggly children, Chris and I worked so hard 
before and after supper to create a special time for Advent prayer and candle lighting.
The forty days of Advent seemed so long :o)
Now, before we know it, these next couple of weeks will breeze by.
Faces of loved ones will be at our front doors and
gathered 'round our tables.
the winks and smiles
  the unstoppable laughter
the endless baking and cooking and
coffee and more tea
and another hug

is all we really truly wish for

I wish you all happy and joyfilled moments
in the coming days ahead
and always,

Love to all!
~ Maria

Photo taken inside the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, Texas