It's so easy for me to wake up calm, have my first cup of coffee in bed ~nice, cozy & relaxed~
... by the time I am close to leaving for work...tension bubbles up inside of me like aged champagne.
I really need a Dog Whisperer discipline moment to snap me out of it... and only do what is absolutely necessary to leave on time! Cleaning out my purse to look for a dog food coupon is NOT necessary ~ my mind is trying to convince me that being 5 minutes late to work because I looked for a $5 coupon is worth a $200 traffic ticket!
After I come home from work, I really look forward to my walk around the village. Stopping at the creek really soothes my soul! It's also so nice that it's still daylight at five...and especially nice when the sun is shining. Much love to all ~Maria
A Long Awaited Gift to Myself
5 hours ago