I'm still, very slowly reading Ann Voskamp's book "0ne Thousand Gifts."
Her chapter, "Go Lower," is so beautifully written.
"Surprised by joy!"
C.S. Lewis, she writes, was 'surprised by joy.'
She writes of the sheer joy and delight of a small child
~ through the example of her youngest child ~
You can search the world over, Ann writes, and find joy LIKE THAT only in a child.
"The secret to a child's language of laughter, their domain of delight, is perspective. "

"The heights of our joy are measured by the depths of our gratitude."
May we find the greatest joys in the small and simple things ~ discovering that gratitude precedes the miracles!
Wishing you many beautiful days ahead ~ sprinkled with ...
Showers of grace and blessings for you dear friends and family,
~ Maria
Quotes from "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp
Photo of my oldest ~ Amanda, when she was very small