Friday, May 13, 2022

A Goldfinch Serenade - SkyWatch Friday Yeah!

A Goldfinch Serenade 
🎵  🎶  🎵  🎶
Please turn up your volume and enjoy a little birdie serenade 💛 
This gold finch is singing a sweet springtime song. The sky was so blue today it hardly looks real! 
My father was convinced that gold finches were pets that escaped. 💛 love and miss him! 
~ Maria 

Enjoy more beautiful scenery at SkyWatch Friday!  Yeah!

Such sweet birdsongs !


  1. Sweet post! Thank you

    1. Hi! I'm not sure if you were able to see the video... I accidentally published it for a future date... I fixed it last night. Thanks for stopping by! ~ Maria

  2. For some reason the video is unavailable to me. Beautiful photo of the Goldfinch in the tree!

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by and letting me know about the video! I accidentally published it for a future date... I fixed it last night. Hope it still works today! ~ Maria

  3. Aww, your video is marked private and I can't listen.So I enjoyed that blue sky, instead - isn't it wonderful? I can imagine their song, because we have lots of goldfinches at this time of year at our feeders. When I was a little girl, I had a pet canary (yellow male) for a couple of years, before it died. These finches remind me of that canary. Maybe your Dad was right.

    1. Hi! Thanks for alerting me that it listed as private. I accidentally scheduled it for a future date! I used my phone to post it to YouTube. I’ll make sure to check it twice if I ever use a video again 😊. thank you for sharing your sweet canary story 💛

  4. So beautiful…have a nice weekend love from me 🍀💗🍀

    1. Hi =) Thank you for stopping by! ❤️ So fun to be blogging again! I hope I can keep going! =)

  5. It's beautiful!! I never get tired of trees and skies together.


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