Well, a few weeks ago, she sent me a lovely magazine.
Well, a few weeks ago, she sent me a lovely magazine.
Inside was a lot of inspiratie! {inspiration}
I enjoyed all the photos, but I also enjoyed trying to figure out the meaning of all the Dutch words!
I could guess some of the them on my own... but I wanted to learn more!
{thank goodness for Google translator.}
I could guess some of the them on my own... but I wanted to learn more!
{thank goodness for Google translator.}
fris and fruitig = fresh and fruity
waterbloem = water flower
tweede kans nieuwe look voor de witte lampenkap = second chance new look for the white lampshade

dahlia in blauw = dahlia in blue
de bloemetjes buiten = the flowers outside
binnenkijken = look inside
veel inspiratie bij persoonlijke winkels = much inspiration from personal shoppingliefde voor natuur = love for nature

van het veld naar je huis de kleur van lavendel =
from field to your house the color of lavender

uit de provence
uit = from, of
oog voor detail
eye for detail
uit eigen boomgaard
from your own orchard
And how about these phrases:
oog voor detail
eye for detail
uit eigen boomgaard
from your own orchard