I love my apple trees.
Twenty-two years ago we planted four apple trees. Over the years, I believe we may have only harvested an apple or two each season.
We never really understood why.
Now we know!
They didn't have a 'cultivator!'
About five years ago, we planted an espalier apple tree... Who would have known that this nifty little tree would be such a Casanova!
Since the addition of this tree to the yard, our apple trees have been making apples by the bushel! The last three years have been a boon... we can't keep up with all the peeling!
...and that's a good thing!
This year, the harvest is a little weaker than usual, but still pretty good... Hubby says they need pruning... I know that he's right... just hope it doesn't hurt too much ;o)
* * *Additional photos added after collecting ground apples today!
5:14pmThis really is the back of the apple above!Three lil' ones I found... The one I'm holding won...Oh! A real beauty...
the smallest apple contest ;o)
...No... wait...
I think a squirrel got here first...
They must know the best apples too!
* * *
And then she said: " This one's just right!"
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