Saturday, May 29, 2010

Beauty in Imperfection

 "...but to the humble He gives grace."
 James 4:6

Age with Grace
 God has grace in abundance

{From Robert Brault}
"Dare to be imperfect, and one day there will tug at your sleeve a soulmate."

"If we would see others as they see themselves,
our shyness would soon become compassion."

"Lend, by your imperfections, self-esteem to others,
and you will be invited everywhere."


“It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect.
The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet
we become towards the defects of others.”
 Joseph Addison


“The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent;
the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult;
the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise
Alden Nowlan


Focus on what unites us instead of what divides us.
You look beautiful the way you are.
Each day find 10 minutes to relax, sit outdoors or look out the window...
watch the sunlight and clouds move across the sky.
Repeat as needed.
"...for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls..."
Matthew 11:29



  1. Maria, I am inspired by this post, Grace, abundance and the word of God. Perfect! Many Blessing, Deborah

  2. Maria!
    What a sweet sweet soul you are!
    I needed this!
    I don't know what it is...
    hormones or what...
    but I have not been easy with myself lately.
    It's like I bop myself on the head every time I fall matter how little of a thing...I just blow it it's a BIG deal!
    It's a WEIRD phase...that I'm not used to!
    It's like I'm not being GENTLE with ME!
    Oh how I do love the word "GENTLE."
    And oh how long I have prayed to for GENTLENESS.
    I've always been a little spit-fire....
    always feeling like I'm trying to help others learn lessons (so much like my dad)...and so often that means NOT being so GENTLE...for the sake of a cause...that betters life.
    Oh it's just so crazy.
    I am rambling.
    Put it this way.
    I am inspired by your sweet GENTLE soul.
    I know you must be the most GENTLE soul there is.
    All living breathing creatures around you are blessed to have you near.
    Happy Weekend my Sweet Maria.

  3. Lovely post maria, loved it! We need to be a little vulnerable I think..nobody is perfect and I certainly am not and it's ok to show that, it really is..then we can learn from each other. Have a nice weekend and come say hi :D

  4. What lovely words, Maria. I try to look at and notice the little things in everyday life and point it to my children. A sweet bird, beautiful flowers, laying down in the grass and watch the clouds go by, 'what does everyone discover in the clouds?' but also things like leaving your seat for an old lady or man. I think it most important to learn my children all about the great treasures in nature and the little things which make the difference.
    Sending you a huge hug and a big kiss for a sweet Saturday, Maria. xx

  5. Great words....from a great woman...............we heave a great God !!!

    Happy weekend enjoy my love .hugs from me......blessings too....

  6. You have created an extremely lovely and touching post, Maria!

    Smiles to you!

  7. Very inspirational Maria, the quotes were wonderful. I do try everyday to at least sit outside for a little bit, even if it's yucky out!
    Love Di ♥

  8. Maria, these beautiful quotes somehow encourage and make me feel better.
    Thank you so much for sharing them.
    Have a lovely holiday weekend.

  9. Lovely! Maria I came to thank you for visiting us. I LOVE the Farmer's Markets- we have a few larger ones, but the one I went to today is quite small. Great vendors though! I SO miss the ones in NY!
    xoxo Pattie

  10. I love coming to visit's my little snack see what the Lord lays on your heart and how it encourages me.
    Have a wonderful week.

  11. Thank you, Maria, for these timely reminders. I think I'll sit awhile and look and listen and accept. I hope your weekend is filled with calm energy!

  12. Thank you for visiting, Maria. What words of wisdom you've shared with us today.

    Thank you...and bless you.

    Love, Rebecca

  13. Maria, this was beautiful. We all need grace!

  14. Oh my darling, that was so beautiful...It gave me shivers...I am so tired from a long day of landscaping, I so cherish these perfect sentiments...thank you dear friend. Tomorrow will be crazy too, but will stop in when I can. So enjoyed your visit on my site...and yes our animals become part of the family, don't they...well, sweet dreams, old Rosie :)

  15. What wonderful and inspiring quotes!

  16. This is the respite I needed today...these words are words to live by. I especially love:
    “It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect.
    The more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others.”
    If perhaps we all kept this in mind, a more loving world this would be.
    ...thank you dear girl...Hugs Rosie

  17. Sweet Maria...thank you for this today. Your words fill my heart..may your new week be blessed in every way my friend. xoxox

  18. Dear Maria,
    You said everything so perfectly! Thank you for this inspirational, uplifting post! You have such a beautiful heart and soul~ Vicki p.s. I love "Owl at Home", and my children and schoolchildren love it, too.


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments add sunshine to my day~